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As your family doctor and private doctor, I am available to provide you and your family with comprehensive and personal care. I support you with all family doctor matters, such as discussing findings, treating acute and chronic complaints, adjusting and monitoring your medication, and issues relating to prevention and precaution.

It is very important to me to look at your health holistically and to take enough time to respond to your individual needs.

General & Family Medicine

Additional services

In addition to the classic general practitioner activities, I offer the following additional services in my practice: 


Preventive medicine

For me, preventive medicine is a central pillar of my work. It is about identifying potential To identify health risks, take preventive measures and support my patients on their way to a healthy and fulfilling life.

Health check

Once you reach the age of majority, you have the opportunity to undergo a health check-up once a year. The costs for a routine laboratory test, the physical examination and the consultation are covered by your health insurance. You can find more information at the Austrian Social Insurance .


Vaccination advice

Comprehensive vaccination advice is also part of preventive medicine. At a time when the subject of vaccination is often accompanied by many questions and sometimes worries, it is particularly important for me to talk to you about the recommended vaccinations, their effects and potential side effects. 


Neural therapy

Neural therapy plays an important role in regulatory therapy, in the treatment of interference fields and in acute and chronic pain conditions.
Carefully administered injections of local anesthetics can interrupt interference signals and promote self-healing.
Further information: Here

Possible areas of application :
Musculoskeletal complaints
Complaints in the ENT area

Bruxism, before fitting a "night guard"
Gynecological complaints
Craniomandibular dysfunction
Scars, also for cosmetic improvement



Acupuncture is a treatment method used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). By inserting thin needles at specific points, the flow of energy can be regulated, blockages released and self-healing powers activated.


Possible areas of application:


Pain in the musculoskeletal system

Head and ENT complaints 

Stomach and intestinal complaints

Preparation for childbirth

Psychological complaints 

Cosmetic acupuncture

Smoking cessation



As a private doctor, I do not have a direct contract with the health insurance company. After the treatment, you will receive a bill that you can submit to your health insurance company. Depending on the treatment, you will be reimbursed part or all of the costs by your health insurance company and private insurance company. The costs for the health check are fully covered by the health insurance company and are free of charge for you. You can get more information from your insurance company.

Private ordination

Costs depend on the amount of time and service provided. The pricing is based on the fee recommendation of the Salzburg Medical Association.

Preventive & health check-ups

The costs for the health check, including routine laboratory tests and consultation, are covered by your health insurance. Billing is done through us and is free of charge for you.

Acupuncture & Neural Therapy

  • Initial consultation including treatment: 160-180 euros . Please allow about 60-90 minutes.

  • Follow-up consultation including treatment approx. 90-120 euros .

Please note that agreed appointments must be kept or cancelled up to 48 hours before the agreed appointment , otherwise we will charge you for them without exception. Thank you!


+43 670 203 5101

Ernest-Thun-Strasse 11A

5020 Salzburg

Appointments by individual arrangement

Telephone availability: Mon - Thu, 10:00 - 16:00

You have any questions? Send me a message!

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